Our ceramic studio in the center of Zagreb

Community oriented space. Regular workshops and events.

Udruga za promicanje kulture, umjetnosti i tradicijskih djelatnosti / NGO for promotion of culture, arts and traditional crafts

A passion for sharing

We love working with clay and sharing what we know with people.

Join our monthly course!

Tuesdays 17-20hs or
Thursdays 10-13hs

Our Monthly ongoing course is a continuous learning space. We provide all the basic knowledge every ceramist needs to start developing their own creations. Well work with coiling, slabs and more. Advanced ceramist can continue to come to this space to keep on developing their skills and learning from other`s experimentations


If you are curious about working with clay but aren`t sure about if joining our Monthly course, you can come just for once, see how the material feels to you and decide if you want to engage to the process ceramic implies.

Meditation and clay, Wednesdays 18hs

As clay is a very plastic material that reflects whatever input we give, there’s an endless exploration we can do through it. The invitation is to spend a moment present with our hands in action. Join for a relaxing gathering of creativity, grounding and exploration of inner flow. 

You’ll learn techniques and create something original. No previous knowledge is needed. 


Yearly, we select the best works of our community and celebrate our growth and achievements. Even to find time to do something new or that we enjoy is reason to gather and share

Pomalito Sunday

A spontaneous gathering in our studio. We share a moment, have tea, play with clay or other media… an event with no more agenda than meeting the community.

We should have a Pomalito signal, like Batman, but since we don`t we shout out on Social Media. Know more about the concept…


Along the year and specially for the end of the year, we curate a good atmosphere for a pleasant exchange and buying experience. Delicious food, great music and beautiful objects are the result of quality people recognizing each other. We have a way of doing things and you are invited to expand this with us.

Tailormade experiences

Team building, private events and more. We are creative and know how to lead a fantastic session for your group of people.

We are analogic

If you want more info, don`t hesitate to contact us!

otvorenistudio11@gmail.com / +385 0976361319

  • Learn
  • Enjoy
  • Relax

Special workshops

  • Experimental
  • original
  • lots of fun

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